Saturday, December 08, 2007

Major Breakthrough in battling Climate Change

Those who come back to this column with any frequency know that I have advocated taking the Architecture 2030 targets for energy use in the building sector and turning them into law, at the local level. In the State of California, this requires some approval from the California Energy Commission.

Just this evening, I received a release from Architecture 2030 that this approval has been granted. According to the release:
On December 5, 2007, the California Energy Commission unanimously adopted the California Public Utilities Commission's (CPUC) plan for achieving zero net energy residential buildings by 2020 and commercial buildings by 2030. "The Energy Commission endorses these ambitious goals and will, with support from the CPUC and the utilities, strive to achieve them through successive cycles of the building standards and appliance standards in combination with other program efforts," according to The Committee Final Report.
The San Francisco Chronicle went even further into trying to predict the long range effects of this action.
California should make all new homes so energy-efficient by 2020 that they won't need to draw power from the state's electrical grid, according to a plan for meeting the state's future energy needs.
We know that this is the target. We know also that this action by the Commission is not binding. (read the full decision here.) However, this action appears to indicate approval of the Architecture 2030 standard adopted by the City of Santa Barbara last month.

Global Greens are directly involved in Climate Change at the meeting in Bali. The Green Party US released information to the press today on our stand.

Now, it is time for Greens in California to get organized and push every local City Council and planning commission to take the action that was taken by Santa Barabara. If we wait for actions to come out of Washington and / or Sacramento, for government to do it for us, we will be waiting until the rising sea level is waist deep on the Embarcadero.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are simple things that can make a difference in climate change, too, especially if more and more people become aware of them.

I am working with Southern California Edison right now to encourage people to replace traditional light bulbs with CFLs. The benefits are substantial: CFLs use 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs, and they last up to 10 times longer.

If every household in California switched five incandescent bulbs for CFLs, it would be the equivalent of taking 400,000 cars off the road.

SCE is holding a contest, too…you can enter a video or photo of yourself with a CFL in a contest they are holding - the winner may be selected to appear in an SCE television commercial. Check out the details at and spread the word!