Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Green vs. Democrats vs. Republicans

Editor's Note: This note was originally posted on the Facebook Page for the Green Party Eco-Action Committee. I think this is so right on that I have reposted it here.

Posted on Green Party Eco-Action Committee Notes
Green vs. Democrats vs. Republicans

Greens have been around long enough to include us in the spectrum of political ideas. All too often Greens are lumped into the "left" end of the spectrum. It's time to evaluate Green perspectives from our base up. To do that we have to address matters such as voter support and electoral strategies and find ways to implement our Platform.

It is worthwhile to review the current administration's policies with the previous administration's and ask: "What's new about this or that?" We also can ask why are we not making the structural changes that are really needed for ecological democracy or adaptive governance. We don't need to gloss over differences to include them in the decision-making processes and yet, that is what we continue to do. Rather then using a model that proposes central government versus state governments, I would suggest a model that presents autonomous regions (or governing entities) with defined authorities integrated into both state and Federal governments.

My particular point on this matter is for Greens to begin to challenge the bi-polar debate patterns of the duopoly by opening up with our own presentation of governing in the US in the 21st Century. The Green vision needs to be concretized so that Green candidates can deliver victories that benefit supporters, provide structural reforms and address critical energy and resource matters without simply riding the coattails of the Democratic left or pandering to the corporate interests of the Republicans. see http://www.gaianeconomics.org/molly.htm

One example is on the horizon in regards to the reauthorization of the Clean Water Act. The bill appears to be presenting the alternatives of an expanded federal authorization for the control of waters and streams without establishing mechanisms for regional decision-making. What is a real Green position in regards to this? How can we accomplish viable alternatives under new political structures? How do we begin to have a conversation and work with Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians and Independents in the context of reforms that democratize the political processes? What is bioregionalism and what makes it a distinctly Green perspective ( http://kawcouncil.wordpress.com/ )


This argument is doubly strong for California where we are enduring something like a total breakdown of (small "d") democratic governance on account of a dysfunctional Democratic so-called liberal vs. Republican so-called conservative political system.

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